Super Mom...It is what all moms (at least me...) want to be. Katie seems to want a supermom, as well.
The weather in Atlanta has been beautiful lately. No need for heavy coats and sweaters. As Katie and I prepared for yet another Target run, I grabbed a black fleece wrap, threw it over my shoulders and headed for the front door. Katie stopped me with "Momma, what's that?" "It's a cape." I replied, explaining that it isn't winter anymore and we don't need our jackets. Katie gave her silent nod, indicating that she understood and we headed out the door. As we neared the car, Katie stopped me with another question, "Momma, why you have your keys?" I told her we were going to Target and needed to drive. Katie's reply was quick. "But Momma, You have your cape. We just fly."
After making my best attempt not to burst out laughing, I explained the unfortunate truth about capes. Alas, I am not Superman. I waited for Katie's tears or cries of protest, but none came. If she was disappointed in her mother's clear lack of superpowers it did not show. She simply nodded and headed for the car, her mind already moving to the next life lesson she would discover.
But I am still thinking about that brief moment when my daughter thought I was a super hero, able to leap tall buildings and fly with ease. It took no effort for her to believe her mother had this previously unknown power. And why wouldn't she believe? To her I am able to banish monsters from closets, heal skinned knees and broken hearts with a simple kiss and make the most exciting objects appear from my purse on a moments notice. Maybe I really am supermom. Or maybe it is our children who truly understand what powers really are extraordinary.
Either way, It is nice to think that for at least a little while longer, my daughter believes I can do anything.