Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hillsboro Hoodlum

This posse hat was a gift from Uncle Miller. Katie has now claimed it using her favorite word: "MINE!" and has commenced to laying down some old-school beats in the kitchen.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Fun with Friends at the Wedding

Grandma and Grandpa got to see all of their great-grandkids this weekend! Katie had a blast playing with all of her cousins - especially

In addition, Katie entertained everyone else she came into contact with. She traveled well and had a lot of fun.

Trying out Remy's bike...

Bouncing on Mimi!

Cracking up Papa...

and the only way to improve a view of the Flat Iron Mtns.

Kev's Pre-wedding Fun

Last Wednesday Katie, Carrie, Mimi and Big-Daddy took off for Denver and Kevin & Josie's Wedding. Katie is becoming quite the little jet-setter.