Thursday, June 23, 2005
Great Grandparents
I want to take a moment to honor Katie's great-grandparents Charles and Kathryn Genter. Kay sent a cute outfit she made for Katie last week and we will have a picture up on this site pretty soon of the outfit. Katie has been blessed to be born in a strong extended family with loving grandparents and great-grandparents. Its more than we could ask.
Cronkhite Family Visit
Jonathan, Carrie, Gabrielle, Sophie, Caleb and the new unborn Cronkhite babe came to visit a couple weeks ago. Gabrielle became totally smitten with Katie. Here are a couple pictures of all the kids together. Never thought that Jonathan and I would be getting together in our mid-30's with our wives and kids!
The Latest on Health
Ash, Carrie and Katie have all been diagnosed with whooping cough. And Scrapple has fleas. All you hear around here is coughing and scratching. Scrapple's getting a flea collar tomorrow. The rest of us will get by.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Poppy's MS150
Maybe he's 60 now, but Poppy is still in the best shape of any 'non-yellow lab' in the family. Last weekend while The Papa was facing the waves, Poppy cycled 75 miles on Saturday and 75 miles on Sunday. I forgot to ask him which church he went to on Sunday morning...
Midtown Church Men
Last weekend The Papa and other guys from Midtown Church went to North Georgia to do manly things with Tom Grady, the founder of SAR Adventures. You can see the SAR weblink on the left side of this webpage. Tom founded Grace Ministries in 1981 and is currently on the board of John Eldridge's ministry, Ransomed Heart. In the raft below (clockwise from top right: our guide, Tom Grady, Roger Balco, Richard Harris, The Papa, Tim Royal.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
New Tricks
I haven't learned any new tricks recently, but Katie is learning all kinds of stuff. She even stands up sometimes for a few seconds (until she realizes that she's supposed to fall!).
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